Saturday, August 19, 2006

Quest thy Holy Grail.............

Holy Grail...... an alternative truth to what is in existence .. the belief ... the legend.

HOLY GRAIL is within us. The conscience of every individual gears up to be the HOLY GRAIL. It differs with perception.Some call it the cup,others swear by the document, but what i see is the ignorance of the mankind to search for somethinig which is undefined, imaginery (unless you are part of the Priory of Sion)....

Quest for unknown is definetely a high that you ride on....piece of advice ,quest your own soul, for you may find an answer for what you crave to know. .... for knowing your soul is where the journey begins to world unknown.......

Amidst the matrix of life lies an individual soul who knows all,cos he is the one who has understood the meaning of being born,alive and meaning to thy life.Try searching that soul within you .... Plunging into the depths of inner reality is where you seek an answer to the HOLY GRAIL.....

You might just end up giving a different name to it...... and end up starting a new priory....

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